Academy of John

The academy of John is an informal group of young, amateur artists who formed in Gorzów Wielkopolski under the supervision of Jan Korcza. It was founded in 1972 and in the 1970s it experienced a period of greatest prosperity.

The Academy of John, among others. They composed of:

Andrzej Biały, Mirosław Macieżek, Jerzy Michalski, Jan Pastwa, Juliusz Piechocki, Marek Pilarski, Sergiusz Borysewicz, Krzysztof Czerko, Wiktor Czyżewski, Stanisław Fisher, Jerzy Klincewicz, Roman Picinski.

The artists formed at the Kultura House of Culture. Classes were mainly held outdoors, for a period of time also in the Capitol cinema, to eventually remain in the studio of Jan Korcza, where he asked drawing exercises. Jan Korcz ran his school without taking any money for his work. He shared a sensitive view of the world and always a sincere opinion. Its pattern was dominated by the ideas of the rapists and the colorists, and the decline of the impressionists. He taught looking at the world, stopping with a brush of falling light, shading, repeatedly taking the same subject, and framing - using the mirror method - stood back to the selected view with the mirror held in front of him, drawing images. Sketches made color. He opposed the parents' excessive ambition. The priority for him was the "feeling" of color and form by those under his care.

The group's debut was in 1972 at the State Museum in Gorzow Wielkopolski (now the Lubuskie Museum).